
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Month: April, 2010

Urban Chickens, via Good Magazine..

It’s glad to see this “burgeoning movement” thought it is abit fancy in Hong Kong.. But there is one point, I dun think I will slaughter them myself while we have spent joyful moments with them.. There are words form Lisa.S, at her South Africa wedding ceremony, she went to watch the livestock get killed for the food in the ceremony. her words are roughly about “This is the first time I’ve seen this, it is somehow sanguinary but it is really happened, and we have to face it…”

And she raised a bright point in nowadays food supply chain. Especially the people next to you who are yelling about an animal get killed is bloody cruelly, or shouting Jap go hell after watching The Cove.. You dun see, mean not it is not happening.. “一切不曾發生, 直到它被報導”

If you think feed for kill is normal, then killing is a part of it for sure.. So, face it or support the humanity slaughter at least..

Nomadic Poet..

A creative circular bookshelf created by architect David Garcia, part of the Archive Series.

Hail the detination for the nomadic poet~ You can travel 10 thousand miles while reading 10 thousand pages of books (讀萬卷書時行萬里路).. Even the book worms can be a rolling stone/plup while running down from the cliff..

I really love the ArchiveI (the see-saw one in below) while I like the unbalancing stuff. Plus, the distance from the shelf (and one way only) and the distance from the ground constructed a very peaceful menitation zone out of the ground..

See what David Garcia Studio say about their work:

The Archive Series are investigations on space and books. Its departure point is density and micro spaces, and a series of traditional relationships that humans have to books. Private collections have existed for centuries, but when this is added to nomadic behaviour, curious contradictions arise; this is the area studied by Archive II. How can an individual travel with it’s own library, given that books are so heavy? This is something we can all relate to when moving house. Archive II is a nomadic library, a transport system and an intimate space. Inspired by ancient travelling libraries from the Far East, which visited courts and cities, Archive II transforms this into a personal space, where walking and reading coexist as refuge and transport.

Symmetry sucks, Nissan Cube..

1. “Ouch, the models are ugly…”

2. “Phew, it duplicated half face, not a new stuffs…”

3. “Ahh, that’s Nissan Cube ads!!”


5. “Hahahahahahhahhah!@!@#!@$$%%^^@@@!!!!”

6. “This ads is deadly rock !!”

“Symmetry sucks. New Nissan Cube. Humans aren’t symmetrical why should their cars be? Visit us on cubelist.co.uk”

Illuminated Wood Chair..

I love the ambient illumination~ Bright Woods’ collection by Giancarlo Zema at Milan Design Week.

This make me think about Philips Starck x Microsoft mouse.. Couldnt dig its ads, but I can tell you it is nothing after I’d bought it on my desk…

13-th street..

超有心機 + 到位的 (爆+中!), 一個好好的 Direct Mail Reference !!

Laser beam clock..

A lovely clock with 60 rotary mirrors and a red laser beam, yes, just a, I’m even more exciting with this single beam~~ Check their website with the animated showcase, I’m sure i will go crazy while watching the mirror rotate second by second!! By a Russian studio – Art Lebedev, which produced the over 10K HKD keyboard, the Optimus Maximus keyboard in below..


轉載 via 設計.香港

Bi: Vintage, Hostel, Complex Building, Medical hotel, 不就是我的夢想嗎? 在我 fund 到8400萬前, 我還真的遲了很多.. 在 “The Place” 呢個 concept 未成氣候以前, 我們4個還是走在前邊的.. 概念上有相似不相似, 現實中有成果與夢想, 但對我們來說, 這還是一個很正面的例子。




奶黃色的外牆配綠色門窗,還有窄長騎樓……這些唐樓曾遍佈灣仔,今天都變身商廈及高檔餐廳。以做智能家居生意起家的Intexact Holdings Limited創辦人卓家茗,兩年前在灣仔道找到碩果僅存的1960年代唐樓,花約7000萬元買下,復修成「名樂居By the Park」文化酒店,實踐她的「保育大計」。

By the Park酒店裝修仿1960年代的唐樓(左),旁邊藍色建築亦屬名樂居的精品酒店,名為With the Star,將以星球為主題,表現香港現代一面,今年第三季開業。(余俊亮攝)





放公雞碗設痰罐 房租最低400元





明報記者 何嘉敏

5年建5酒店 IT人間間有賺

【明報專訊】以智能家居起家的Intexact Holdings Limited於2001年成立,本身從事電腦科技工作的公司創辦人卓家茗,想到不如讓更多人使用到智能家居的科技,遂於2005年在尖沙嘴建設首間智能酒店,隨後進軍中環、上環及灣仔,各有主題。從未接觸過酒店業的她5年間建成5間酒店,全部均有盈利,目標再建一間,以仿照《聖經》神創天地的歷程。



07及08年間她共買了4幢舊樓,分佈中、上環及灣仔作精品酒店,包括威靈頓街的At the Eden和Of the Noah、永樂街的On the Wing、灣仔道的By the Park,結合將於今年第三季開業的灣仔道With the Star,命名全部仿《聖經.創世紀》創造不同事物為主題,並以月份、不同國家、星球等為樓層或房間分類。



最終間間酒店有盈利,卓說她還欠一間,才能達到6天「創天地」的目標,但已開始另一行業,便是透過智能家居技術提供產後護理服務,名為To the Mabe,滿腦子主意的卓家茗已再想一步﹕「我還想做醫療酒店,還有護老院……」

復修過程官僚 老闆嘆保育難


住客控逼遷 逐戶代找新家



官員朝令夕改 欄杆拆了又建



iPad retro gadget..

Hahaha, dun you think this is retro enough~ The controller/base is available at US140, but the game is still coming soon on Apple store. Wondering if it can really battle with wifi connection.. I’m thinking about if there will have an external BlueRay/DVD player for the ipad? It should be great..

PIXELS by Patrick Jean

Pixel animation? 8-bit clip? A good one anyway, Patrick Jean brought all the childhood 8-bit games back to destroy/pixelate the NYC.. Real love his gravity effect after pixelated.. And the touching between the real ‘n animation is cool. The idea of pixel/8-bit with transforming/pixelating/simplifying the whole world is fresh ‘n cool too~ By the way, I world like to add some 8-bit music on it as well, rather then merely the SFX(even thought the SFX is not enough..)

The Conception of Wine..

Wine info-motion-graphy by Tiago Cabaco