
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Month: August, 2010


“2011” Coming along with the Illustration of World~


我說我有一個其實不什冒險的險著,前輩說給我一句至理名言,他說: 財不入急門。 以少搏大套在我的性格上可能只會遍體鱗傷,還是苦心經營把從前借落的慢慢歸還。時間,還算是有的…

Real Motion Blur..

I do like this kind of “bring virtual into the real”. With the “motion blur” interception which we learnt from the video games or some graphic works, here the Ogilvy & Mather Jakarta brought it into the real world~ Yet it has depth of texture with its cross overlaid stripes.

Minimal Round Calendar..

Hey, this is a minimal Calendar from Saccade.. I recalled there is a similar circle-design but more functional and less minimal in 2008 PolyU grad. show. However I’ve totally forgot how its work while I am going to make a copy-cat for my girl ~

By the way, with Michelle advises, my Illustration of World will print on white paper (and there will be a Screen version come in Black), yet all the lines have been doubled the width… And, still thinking how to make it delicious enough to print out!!!

Nuit Blanche by Spyfilms

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Amazing clip, spyfilms.com – Nuit Blanche explores a fleeting moment between two strangers, revealing their brief connection in a hyper real fantasy.

Must watch the making of, see how those few ten seconds are consumed!!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Directed by: Arev Manoukian
Cinematographer: Arev Manoukian


原來,  原來, 天已黑了…多麼燦爛的笑容,  多麼醜惡的嘴臉; 談過最好笑的笑話, 看畢最精彩的小說; 閉上眼打出的號碼, 閉上耳說出的話, 站在孤島發出的指令; 我毫不認同的手法, 你永不接納的意見;  一套又一套的公式化行為藝術, 一段又一段重覆的俗套對白, 一個又一個不為理解的革命思想, 一下又一下的把堤壩敲鑿.. 湖裡的水早已流光, 天已黑了, 留下沒用, 走也沒路, 看著月光張開雙手, 伸的再長也捉不到什麼, 叫的再響也沒有回音.. 晨曦初現, 原來原來, 我的影子都已經離我而去..

現在成不了歷史, 過去又再重演, 離開是為了再來, 然後, 離開..

The Bent Hands world time clock..

The Bend Hand by The Wrong Objects

I always interests in clock which breakthrough the ordinary clock since 13th century. And here is one – The Bent Hands by Giha Woo and Shingoeun.. They cleverly employed the “bend” to reveal the Time Zone. It seems not easy watching, but it is a nice try anyway ~

A cup of wine glass..

Close this window

Amusement Appreciation~ selling on Z Gallerie

Fan cooling tie..

Thanko unleash its 3rd generation of USB Necktie with cooling fan.

我相信, 只有在日本才可買得到這叮噹的法寶 (叮噹只是代理 Thanko 的貨) !! 3000Yen, 送給你爸爸最清涼的禮物…

Otaku training..

Primesta latest Hinako Push-up apply for Android is just plain... Weird.

How to train up your Otaku son? Here is the solution – animation x Smart Phone.. Must see the video, how interact and how “she” cheer you up with your motion. Just cant stop yourself.. I’m thinking the 2nd edition will be released soon, which is a inflatable “her”..