
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Month: June, 2012

ipad made echograph come in seconds..

*pics might need to click to see the awesomeness

Remember this awesome gif? Finally I know its called echograph / cinemagraph(trade marked by  Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg)..

The iOS are still far ahead with the creative apps like this one(hope come fast to android)

 Echography by Clear-Media, it seems a powerful echograpgh creating tools.. Sorry about the seems, becoz I have only ipad1 which cannot meet the min. requirement.. Of course it gets fast sharing to facebook, tweeter, but I’m wondering if facebook and tweeter can show gif properly.. Another thing good is this app can output as mp4, which can surpass the gif low color bit weakness..

Beside, I wonder the use of echograph is best in Fashion, or say something with closer shot,  micro , as Jamie Beck did(invent?). Otherise, it i will be more like a annoying looping clip(nice face  did help even in looping~)..

Sucker Punch(天姬戰) cout..

好抵呀,幾廿蚊可以睇咁多次~ 本來我都只係當[Sucker Punch]係一套萬分eye candy既cult片,之但係網上blog見到 路人八*對套戲極深入解讀,如 ”五件寶物都有不同的深層意義,象徵著不同的人生態度”,”幾位女角係代表主角唔同既人格投射”…有點暈,但就令我再去重新組織一下個劇本。尤其係 路人八提出成個故事其實Sweet Pea才是主角呢個點。



開場旁白,留意bold字 ”Everyone has an angel. A guardian who watches over us. We can’t know what form they’ll take. One day, old man. Next day, little girl. But don’t let appearances fool you. They can be as fierce as any dragon. Yet they’re not here to fight our battles but to whisper from our heart reminding that it’s us. It’s every one of us who holds the power over the worlds we create.”

“We can deny our angels exist convince ourselves they can’t be real. But they show up anyway. At strange places. And at strange times. They can speak through any character we can imagine. They’ll shout through demons if they have to. Daring us, challenging us to fight.

同最後Babydoll叫Sweet Pea走時講”This was never my story. It’s yours.”

即係Babydoll其實係Sweet Pea既 “Guardian” ”Next day, little girl”,想佢重返社會(因為Sweet Pea係因為內疚Rocket而自願走入Madhouse)。Babydoll打咁多仗其實唔係”fight our battles but to whisper from our heart. Daring us, challenging us to fight” 。而且去到Sweet Pea成功逃脫時,之前FF裡面個智者化身成巴士師機幫佢 “One day, old man”


當Babydoll去到精神院時(現實mode),佢繼父同院長討價還價之時,個focus竟然係去左Sweet Pea度,Dr. Vera Gorski 對住佢講”What you’re imagining right now. That world you control. That place can be as real as any pain.” 其實係導佢好返,只不過當時係台下既Babydoll收到呢個信息 (OMG,睇返原來個鏡頭係Dr. Vera Gorski 講呢段野時,Sweet Pea突然望向Babydoll,focus轉返去Babydoll度,意味主角其實係Sweet Pea,但Zack要引返觀者落Babydoll度睇佢之後點打!!!?? OMFG,睇埋落去,第一個幻想scene,排舞臺劇出現的時候,個focus又突然去返Sweet Pea(支針打落去一下),重要係講佢對抗Dr叫佢演little girl,佢要做返sexy, commercial(個層幻想的現實-妓院) Somehow 佢甘於留係呢個FF層..)

What do you think?

之但係Babydoll咁多戲只係玩觀眾既煙幕? 咁又太睇小左個劇本,睇睇下其實Babydoll都有條主線,就係自我的救贖! 係第一幕武士FF,Babydoll第一下聽唔到智者叫佢除鞋,再問宜家重使唔除,智者:”That time has passed.” 我覺得呢句意思就係叫佢”Just let go. Let your pain go. Let the hurt go. Let the guilt go.” 無錯! 就係Dr. Vera Gorski係舞臺教導Sweet Pea個d說話,係一次過踩曬兩條主線!! 神呵!

智者問Babydoll想要咩時,佢話”Get out of here”,但智者用”Freedom”呢個宇。而智者話第5件寶物 ”The fifth thing is a mystery. It is the reason. It is the goal. It will be a deep sacrifice and perfect victory … Only you can find it. And if you do, it will set you free

我覺得對Babydoll黎講,Freedom就係可以彌補佢殺左佢個妹既錯,但如智者講”That time has passed”,一切已經發生,不可能改變,所以有點老套的以犧牲去完成救贖(我覺得未完..再所以下..)。

係妓院FF中講既”High Roller”,即係個surgeon,所以妓院FF中Dr. Vera Gorski堅持Babydoll係未ready,而院長Blue Jones就不停話Babydoll一定要做主角(因為佢收左Babydoll繼父既賄賂,目的就係要Babydoll做Lobotomy手術,從而唔俾佢有機會漏露佢既惡行)。而當個surgeon做完Lobotomy後,同Dr. Vera Gorski 講“Its like she wanted me want to do it”

所以我認為Babydoll犧牲自己最多只係relieve,根本談不上freedom,俾佢走到出去,佢都只會繼續內疚。佢選擇唔走,因為佢一入黎已經知道surgeon黎既目的,而佢最終都係決定以Lobotomy,做到真正的Let go。

最後的旁白都講得好白,大概就係相信自己,nothing is impossible,但就好似同個故事唔太關聯..
“The mystery of whose story it will be, of who draws the curtain. Who is it that chooses our steps in the dance? Who drives us mad, lashes us with whips and crowns us with victory when we survive the impossible? Who is it that does all these things? Who honors those we love with the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us and at the same time sings that we’ll never die? Who teaches us what’s real and how to laugh at lies? Who deicide why we live and what we’ll die to defend? Who chains us? And who holds the key that can set us free? It’s you. You have all the weapons you need, now fight”

無謂沒完沒了的猜測,之但係返睇又返睇後,覺得[Sucker Punch]真係神作,有音樂,有動作,有故事,有畫面(打 robot 個段玩 bullet time玩到癲左)。極之完整,各方面都出色,大家可以各取所需。致於點解叫 Sucker Punch,係 Wiki我比較鍾意以下,多於Zack既版本:

“If you want to understand Snyder’s central narrative gambit, it’s right there in the title. He gives us what we want (or what we think we want, or what he thinks we think we want): Absurdly fetishized women in teeny little skirts, gloriously repetitious fight sequences loaded with plot coupons, pseudo-feminist fantasies of escape and revenge. Then he yanks it all back and stabs us through the eyeball.”  Andrew O’Hehir

Sucker Punch(天姬戰)..

“屌你! 最近睇左套Cult野,無理個故事講咩,但個場景就就係咁轉黎轉去,一時係精神病院,突然又去左打巨咪日本武士,一陣又去打喪屍,轉頭又打iRobot!” 就係因為Brother Calvin呢句說話,令我覺得一定要睇呢套<Sucker Punch ><天姬戰>!

放在頭的馬後炮!! 導演、編劇係拍<Dawn of the Dead>同<戰狼300>既Zack Snyder(重有佢老婆Deborah Snyder),而特效叫Animal Logic (wiki下一D都唔小野),華纳兄弟出品,8千萬製作…STOP!!! 其實都係想講呢套野邊有得輸啫

套戲一開始就埋牙入戲,重要玩一下舞臺劇佈景,係戲院睇一定好震撼。話之人地用千億做個intro CG,D creditors 好似貞子咁跑出黎,Zack Snyder一開場只係用5分鐘既戲,一次過同你交代creditors同故事background,除左華納公司logo都未出前就開始既幾句旁白,其餘一個字都無,淨係用好dark既音樂同Gothic darkness color tone既影像,已經令觀者完全明白個故事background!

事後諗返套戲既concept同<Inception>都有點相通,都係利用人腦(潛)意識一層落一層,不過<Inception>就係信念植入,<Sucker Punch>就係自我逃避(?),somehow 主角肯定是有精神分裂的~ 故事係講主角Babydoll俾繼父迫左入精神病院後點樣prison break。如果只係係神病院裡面講佢點走,相信就真係只有<Prison Break>先可以拍到咁多集,而且一定無<Sucker Punch> 咁激既場面! 其實咁程度(以戲份計)佢唔係逃離精神病院,而係逃離妓院! 哈,歡迎進入Zack幻想的第一步~

每當主角Babydoll遇上困難既時候,佢意識就會跌落一層去”解決”,并唔係鏡頭一轉叮一聲得左,Zack Snyder係話你知有計又有錢,可以將超現實放係螢幕前睇到你嘩嘩聲! 日本武士拎住支格林機槍重要型住咁slow motion影佢狂掃; 一戰德軍野史既蒸汽機械人打喪屍; 係直昇機空降Lord of The Ring屠龍取火石; 係開往未來城市既列車打irobot(我覺得堅似)… 睇住5條女低胸熱褲打到甄子丹咁,絕對可觀過Wentworth Miller係監獄內鬥智鬥力(我可代表毒撚族講!) 成功逃離後,Zack話你知頭先個D唔係Final Fantasy,所謂既寶物全部都係同現實掛勾(Oh, 其實”現實”都係講緊套戲)。

配樂已經好正,D cut in位重要擊準每個轉鏡位。成套戲同場景既color tone都好到位。因為出呢個post我上網睇左其他人既review,發現原來編劇都有返咁上下,我暫時沈醉緊個結局係點…



點解睇呢套Shame(色辱) 我都唔記得,但係知導演Steve McQueen擅長以無對白的長鏡頭配上classical做配樂營做氣氛,暫緩螢幕對觀者講故事,而是由觀者心裡面爆返出黎,而且故事係講一個患有性上癮者,所以吸引左我去睇。


演技我不懂,但戲始的第一shot,演男主角的Michael Fassbender一句對白都唔使就已經完全交代到個種對感情很想要但又不敢捉碰的感覺。佢唔係一條毒撚,有不錯的工作,會同buy 佢的上司去介女,只係有點感情缺失,不懂情感(親情與愛情如事)。而McQueen引導觀者主角因病而把自己從社會中邊綠化,建立自己的堡壘,佢一返到屋企基本完全與世隔絕,更加拒絕想借居的Sissy電話。而整套戲就係講主角的堡壘一步步的被入侵,到最後將佢谷爆。去到最後沒有什麼結局,而我到個刻要諗一諗,先知自己不知不覺已經吸左入戲裡面。