
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Category: Myself

Stars and night..


In the night with cursed angels around, I was fail to wrestle against their finger tip. All the stars at night are all about you while I am beat down on ground as they always do. With the demons and nightmares, there is light still bright in my mind. At the time it is blinded by color of dark, i can only see sun with my eyelids closed, til the embracing of the turelight, the rigid and real one, the believed and tangible one..


I am sorry for everything, for myself and you. I stood tight with everything aside me and you. Just you and me, mean more than everything. Collapsing of the  stars night could not cloak the you but bury myself. With my one hand left on ground and I would be touching with you for one last time. With all the things underneath the dust and mud, whatever it is dirt and shame, I hope there is still the soul you would like to know..

There is a day in absent of daylight..

每年, 總有幾晚會被蚊釘到徹夜難眠, 還要痕上數天..
每年, 也總在晚上思前想後, 原地踏步, 想了一生, 卻只過了半刻..
每年, 總會在太陽消失以後找上24歲的Nina Persson聽教..



然後, 一切如舊, 往日如昔… 但是, 我倒是喜歡這樣無無謂謂, 與天賭命, 然後奮力逃跑..

這樣的遊戲, 還可以玩上多少次?


Part1. 現實一直把我拖著,憤怒卻不斷推我向前,兩者各自遠走,是我距離感錯了嗎,站在中間,所有東西又一再遠離,是我一直在原地空轉嗎,把自己都轉得昏庸。要逃避也不可能再離開了, 先把所有門戶都關上吧..

Part4. 儘管可以封鎖得密不透風,但這裡其實還有一扇可以打開的窗, 我只祈望能在這裡呼吸到新鮮的空氣..

Fragment of Part 1..

如果這次轉向, 也是走進一條裡胡同, 我真的不懂如何繼續以相同的步伐走下去了.. 我想這也不是期望過高, 而是當風雨交加下, 那把本來已經百孔千瘡的傘也破掉的一刻, 也是我最後一條精神支柱斷裂的時候.. 別人問我為何走這麼多的路都不去坐車, 我想我連自己也永遠不能回答得到, 而我也只會繼續去走, 直至消失在眾人的眼中, 也許就不會再出現這個問題了. 但是又如何, 眼前對著一面牆, 衝不過去回不了頭, 站著吧, 管祂的地球轉了多少個圈..

No label..

In the hall of darkness, pillar is even hollower than empty, echo is even quieter than silence..

In the even darker night, I couldn’t say love to my self..


Part.1 昨日沈醉井中,獨步探戈井中; 今天奔竄城裡,結伴搜索城裡; 往後跳進汪洋,一起橫越汪洋。

Part.3  今天傾盡所有,伸手觸及所有; 明日捨棄一切,放手甩開一切; 往後尋找未知,巧手建設未知。

Part.4 今天滔滔情感,高聲宣示情感; 明日默默親愛,低調保持親愛; 往後翩翩經歷,心照不宣經歷。

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I focus things on beauty part..

Sometimes, I am extreme positive, it is because I focus on the beautiful part of everything, also, I embrace any possibilities, in sometimes..



No Label..



Sun has set, I see no bright, I need someone to bring me a light, and tell me there will be a dawn.

This happen day by day, I put no objection to the nature, to see one night which has no sunrise..

no label..

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Let the good be filmed, and the rest go ashes..

How much of good, how much of bad, how much of good..

Living soul gone, dead body live.. a zombie crawling, the spirit fading..