
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Month: July, 2009

MJ Performance Art..

Mark always say that he want to make some giant picture.. Of coz I want to do that, but so far I’m still lack of big ideas to do something like this.. the Gatorade MJ Performance Art.. Whatever with great meaning behind, or samshing impact in front.. Still have to think hard on this…

Ouch! Check the making of !!

What’s awards for?~

一段好串既 company reel, by Boondoggle ~

Super Mario, a game which drive you mad..

這個超任年代的 Mario 都有玩過,我是那種去不了第二板圖的人,但真的不知道為何會有這一種毫無自由,樂趣可言的, 硬要把你迫瘋的一道關卡…

Save for you..


一個由 BBDO Thailand 做既 ads, 所有野都好出眾, 紙皮加 spray 夠 Lo-Fi, 爛答答又夠 eye catching ~ 不過我諗香港都無咩邊度會俾你 stick 張”咁既野”…


Concrete Tulou


I didn’t aware in my first glimpse on this picture.. But was really exciting after watch closer.. It is a real modern Tulou which has already been built and is being occupied.. 萬匯樓 is a project of an Shenzhen based Architecture firm called urbanus. This project is aimed to provide proper residential place for the low-income(below 1500/mth) citizen..

287 units, 39m square per unit with 1 living room, 2 bedroom,  1 bathroom, and a tiny kitchen can be rented in 750 yuan per month.. The project expect the people share the room in 2-4 which can lower the rental to around 200 yuan per head.. There are no extra security and management  fee asked for the residential.. The cleaning  job is done by the people living there with a 8yuan/hr offer.. This is cool, but really let see the mostly selfish PRCese..

The building itself is a community, there are shops, internet room, restaurants, playroom, tennis couch, and even small inn for the friends visiting from far.. I really love this stuff, it satisfy the poor, it extended the tradition and it has done very well in creating a complete community.. I think this is a really good reference case for solving the poorer living problem..


Chest drum..

Ohh, funny and creepy.. why have to wear on it while i’m quite sure there must have plenty of wires connected.. Also, both hands should feel numb after a jam.. But if you want to show that you are a hardcore band-mate, buy from here with USD29.9


Ministry of Book !?

You got to watch these 3 amazing clips produced by Mainframe and illustrated by Neal Murren. They are about a new publishing – Tomas by the co-founder of Ministry of Sound, James Palumbo.. From the site, it is probably all about fuck the wealth and lust, from the richly and admirable guys mouth.. Anyway, those clips are really rock, whatever the lighting, whatever the motion!

In the killing Vocal..

From a Dubstep mix (1 hour mix) by ISO 50, the first time I heard about “La Roux – In For The Kill” vocal, I recalled that great great MC Cha Cha performance in Shanghai.. This song is really good for mixing, especially Dub. However, I was fail to extract a quality vocal part from the FLAC file… Anyway, as my thought, there are many mix about this new song, Drum n Bass, Dub, Electro.. And the cool is brother on youtube has made the collection.. check them out below..

* you can forgo the visual, cuz there are no interesting visual be-all-low..

1. Original version


2. Of coz Electro mix is always my 1st choice ~

3. And I love this down tempo+ed vocal electro version

4. The fourth is the Dubstep style remix~


bigger pic via flcikr

Project Pronormama has been done, the result is under expected, but really thanks the help from Michelle and Soho..

The problem is the tones on the bodies are not very match the background.  Probably due to the not-enough resolution of the bodies.. However, this is not a commercial project, heavy and finely touching are not possible.. Anyway, it was fun during the shooting day ~

Shocked by one shot..

I saw this video on facebook, really shocked by its superb organization.. To play the whole song in one shot at such a big venue is crazy.. Even thought there are fast forward in the clip, but the “artists” mouth still can sing as the Black Eye Pea.. Amazing !