
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Category: music

Music Selection 10..

Didn’t upload playlist for a year since  my free sound cloud accountS are all reached the capacity limit.. And just discovered youtube can upload more than 10 mins now, even my selection 10 in 57mins, so cool la la~!!

Selection 10 is gotta be Trance, House, Electro, a dip of remixed pop, mixed rather decent than before works, please enjoy.

1. Andain-Promises(Myon&Shane54 Summer Of Love) 
2. Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji - Pressure (Alesso Remix)
3. Adele - Set Fire To The Rain (Thomas Gold Mix)
4. James Blunt - Dangerous (Deniz Koyu & Johan Wedel Remix)
5. Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) (Almighty Club Mix)
6. Kaskade - Turn It Down (with Rebecca & Fiona)
7. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll (A-Trak Remix)
8. Nero - Crush On You
9. Afrojack & Steve Aoki - No Beef (Feat. Miss Palmer)
10. Nervo ft. Afrojack & Steve Aoki - We're All No One (Hook N Sling Remix)
11. BT feat. Jes - The Light In Things
12. Moonbeam Feat. Avis Vox-7 Seconds(Orginal Mix)
13. JJ Flores & Steve Smooth ft. Colette - Stay (Extended Mix)
14. Dirty South & Thomas Gold feat. Kate Elsworth - Alive (Original Mix)
15. SHOGUN - Skyfire
16. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Eternal Flame

Stillness at Ólafur Arnalds’s living room..

Stillness at Ólafur Arnalds’s living room..


Like Spinning Plates..

There was some famous Brit Pop occupying me during my middle school time, it was Suede, Coldplay, Radiohead, Travis, Muse, Blur…

I re-played them all in this overnight, there is nothing left, all the memories, all the emotions..

Except Radiohead, except Like Spinning Plate, except it was a song can pump my tears out with no reason, every reasons.

It is still here..


這一年有點四頭唔到岸, 口說不知但心裡清楚, 在港所有東西觸手可及卻斷post多天, 反而宜家係北京反而可以一個人靜下來發呆再自我旋轉..
Anyway, 有太多的想表達但未懂寫, 先來個音樂post..
近期覺得最有意思的CD, 其一當然因為 My House music hero – Kaskade~ 正當年頭覺得佢張 “Dance.Love” 唔 Nu 唔 House 重要有舊作 remix, 擔心再無左當年”Strobelite Seduction” 沖擊的時候. 竟然咁快就有新野 “Fire & Ice” 正題來了, 有意思的”Fire & Ice”是分開了兩隻碟, 都是相同的歌(Vocal), 但 disk1 就是 House, disk2 是 Nu-house.. 正正同一首歌熱與冷的演繹, 首首都正, 當中首推 “Turn it down”, 亦因此認識了 Rebecca & Fiona 這兩個 Swedish DJ group.. 先聽 (其實上個 post 先 post 完, 不過今次來個 冰+火 ~
Turn it down(Ice Mix) no official MV.. 真心唔太鐘意中間個段 dub!!
Turn it down(Fire Mix~)
Turn it down official MV 中既 Rebecca & Fiona 好吸引, 好鬼 Retro, 所以我另外找了她們的專輯 “I Love You Man”, 我唔識分叫咩 type, 重知係 electronica~ 睇完個 Album Art 再聽, 又是不得了的, 有點 80s Disco style, 加上佢地既 vocal, 一D都唔突兀 ~!
Jane Joe

Party Harders vs The Subs – The Pope Of Dope..

First known this form Pierre, didnt post this on because of the nothingness of the clip.. Somehow, the nothingness with boiling high emotion (maybe coz of dope..) about their night (camping?) is quite nice ~ And I dun really know how to call this type of music..

Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World..

Awesomeness of organisation!! Richness of Visualization!!


The making of..

Nina Persson..

Why go get hurt?

A Camp – Algebra

Why can’t you just forget about algebra

It’s all about you now

And all your talk of logic and formula

Could never help you now

(not anymore)

‘Cause you were always

On the run

From the darkness in your heart

So you wear it

On the outside of your chest

I have taken the liberty

To tell your ghost to go

Bribing them with sunlight and sympathy

They’ve promised not to show

(for a while)

‘Cause you were always

The little boy

Who couldn’t keep it to yourself

So your heart

Is on the outside of your chest

At the speed of light

You moved inside my home

Nothing is alright

If your are still alone

And your heart is greater than

The sum of you and everyone

But still you’re always on the run

From the poison in your lungs

And your heart is on the outside

Of your chest

Sébastien Tellier x sexy..

今天想說一個故事, 奈何文字跟不上來, 故先po上一點養眼的,

Sébastien Tellier – Look

Sébastien Tellier – Kilometer

太過抽像? 俾個實在D既你~


New heard sad song, new depressed sadness.. Would you help me?

part1. 真的可以模仿你的步伐, 當數年宅男, 春天濕不死, 夏天熱不死, 秋天乾不死, 冬天冷不死… 大概到了下一個春天也不會濕死, 那到時大概也會有點 efforts 吧…

part2. 左腦與右腦, 明明是在同一個頭顱, 為何有著差天的想法, 還是兩者只是一綫之差? 對同一件事, 當左腦的反射撞交上右腦的反射時, 就是眼眶崩潰的時刻… 對同一條刺, 當拔出時, 會比插進去那時還要痛…

part3. 我, 憂你所憂, 喜妳所喜, 我把你的情感都放到我的觸角上. 也許我所猜度的通通都不是妳所想的, 也許當所有氣泡浮到水面時, 都一定要破裂… We are afraid to be destroyed if we dun…

All my confidences are come from your confidences, I know this is irresponsible, but I’m such a feeble creep. I’m afraid to get across, I dun know how… Would you help me?


1. 每當不知道自己想聽什麼歌, 情緒也在十字路口時, 隨便打開一首 Trance Music, 一定會有所收獲, 不知為何 Party Music 會這麼能帶起我的負情緒, 我就是說, 如果開心與不開心只是一種情感上的 intensity, 我比較喜歡intensity強一點的 depression..

2. If there is a new star, it means shining far far away, out of trillion in the universe.. Btw, this is merely a step in the process, out of my whole life ..

3. 在想, 有人格分裂的人很不往此生, 一生人活了兩世..

4. 自己的理論與實踐, 自己明白, 自己開心, 自己失落, 自己回味就好了, 正如去到賭場唔落注一樣, 算是穩陣與懦弱兼備的最強保護, 免除非贏則輸, 不能掌握的結果..