
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Category: Uncategorized


I wish i am dead now, that is crazy, I am not sure if this is just a depression or what, but I am feeling as great as ever..

Rght on this month, I am so glad about you, U got ur great job, U got ur body..

Something just like, my daughter, got her own way, and it is the time, for me to be oblivion..

Something, I have done mine..

I am thinking about, u are going to have a great life..

Something was good yet to come, and here you are, you is going to have it better than now..

Just full of envy and full of wishes, but I shall stay back for your own good..

I am just an oblivion, and just a sad romance, for me to feel my heart beat..

tin cup

was | is | will


I was loving what you were.

I am loving what you are..

I will be loving what you are going to be…

Growing old together with the same direction, is the fuel of love,  whatever the pace, wherever the goal, there you are, and there we will be..

Thank you for your trusting, and your believing..

In the life of inbetween two life..

In the life of middle, I am so worrying about you are too old, and you are too young, whatever you 2 are doing, there are, just crushing altogether, my selfish me, which, just want your 2 can have everything well..

You would have told me to miss somebody, something, both of you..

After The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.. while i am old enough to take that..
Finally, I am old enough to take this story, one joy raised, another joy gone.. if not, there maybe just something regret, and you will lost it forever, some regret will torment eternally

I am, on a stone..

There is a stone we have been talking long ago, and there we are, delayed in fellow race, and glad we have still made here, and somebodies drown, maybe just for now, before dead..

Man made by his novel, and my novel shall upstream from here, with abit vision, with abit caring, with abit considering, or, shall with nothing.. whatever fancy or evil, it should be another chapter of the novel, and at least it shall be a fabulous one, out of previous and consolidate the later..

Earth is still spinning, and everything shall move on, old but gold is crowding, youth is impulsive in all round, and that’s merely naive (yet treasurable).. And what if there is something else?

Something at least i could move forward to..


There has been 2 years, the amazing and scary thing about the internet, you can lost for a long while and then come back with everything still..

Part 1. Dun frustrate about 1 year of nothing, but never underestimate the 5 years changes. It has been 5 years from the post 21 Oct 2010. I glad, I am surprise, and I think again.

Part 2.  I am satisfied, at least at this moment, the 1st time i did..

Part 3. “留下一點距離, 回味來自心跳..”


2014_8_17 (45)n

Part 1. “Sometimes you need to run before you learned how to walk”, and so many times I have witnessed from behind.

Part 2. Things by things have moved on, going to be better or worse, thinking via above or below? First is how you would interpret, then it is about how you would act, I hope I am really taking my second step, and what could be the third leap?

Part 4. There are no eternal Sun and Night, so the love,which made you missing the day while in dark, made you loving tomorrow even deeper than yesterday.


Part 1. 作為一個打工仔命格的的人, 一份Side Career比一份Side Business 來得穩陣來得有安全感, 要一籃子全心投入一個範籌, 一份工作, 自知力有不逮, 我一定會提早中年危機.. 現在情況是好是壞, 也許真的只由觀點決定, one move is essential..


Part 2. 三十而立, 究竟是站立起來, 還是坐立不安呢..


Part 4. 想的永遠都比能力跑得遠, 但這此, 不覺是思想被拖住了後腳. 是我喪失了發夢的本能, 還是我現在更喜歡夢醒的真實, 可以欣賞的形態, 可以觸摸的質感, 可以感受的溫暖..

一步由兩隻腳踏上去, 一長一短, 每件事每個決定都慢了, 複習了, 想多了, 但得出的效果, 是喜是悲, 定不止於雙倍, 一起承受, 一起面對, 那要誰先要到那裡, 那需由誰去等誰..

Modern Sky Festival 2011..

媽的, 只差幾天!!





Back to the grid, the Tron! Revolight bike illuminating project for road save by Kent, Adam & Jim.. Was wondering why make the full rim be illuminated, or white while forwarding, and red on braking (like as the car racing, burning the brake disc)~