
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Month: April, 2009

Could This Be…Lamma Mill

Picture i tuned, ‘n song I love, that’s it..Music: Could this be (Luke Charble SLH Remix)Photo: Wind Mill in Lamma Island

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來看看 Royksopp – The Girl And The Robot 的 live MV..

哈哈, 搞到好 commercial, 就好似叫容祖兒做 Vocal 咁… 一D都唔 live.. Melody 不錯, 但歌詞有點俗套…

Could this be the one you can’t explain when the night is done?

Firstly, please forgive me about the hardly reading lyrics with my lack of knowledge in WordPress… but i still hope you enjoy ~


Could this be [Sam La More Remix], no video, just enjoy the music~

All my life I’ve been waiting for someone else to change but nobody wants to
I don’t know what the choices are for me
And then you walked right in & took me to pieces
All my pride & all my defenses
Everything I didn’t want you to see

Could this be holds a little?
Feels a little love?
[Could this be the one you can’t explain when the night is done?]
Could this be the one who moves a little?
Takes a little more?
Could this be the one?
Could this be the one?

And we toss & turn a million paces
Hours in our head as days are changing
I was thinking love would never be for me
Then you look at me & tell me you need me
All my dreams & all that I can be
I was looking lost until you came & rescued me

Could this be holds a little?
Feels a little love?
[Could this be the one you can’t explain when the night is done?]
Could this be the one who moves a little?
Takes a little more?
Could this be the one?
Could this be the one?

Could this be holds a little?
Feels a little love?
[Could this be the one you can’t explain when the night is done?]
Could this be the one who moves a little?
Takes a little more?
Could this be the one?
Could this be the one?
Could this be the one?

Could this be holds a little?
Feels a little love?
[Could this be the one you can’t explain when the night is done?]
Could this be the one who moves a little?
Takes a little more?
Could this be the one?
Could this be the one?


[Lovers Electric]’s [Could this be] original MV

Philips, it will surprise you soon..

This short  movie is amazing enough.. it is not stop motion, not bullet time, really wondering how the director- “Adam Berg” make it !! It’s hell cool !    You HAVE to visit it’s official site  to check the movie out again in highest resolution!



On the other side, after the Philips Aurea, you have to know this new monitor.. 21:9, what a rare ratio (but it say that is the movie original ratio).. EVEN with Ambient Light !

Since the first impression by Aurea last year, I found that Philips has several innovative products in lighting.. Like the lighting textile, the OLED iluminate light.. Those are totally next generation products, so I think we will be surprised by Philips brand again, soon..

how empty does empty..



[Taste my moment of Zen]


This is my moment of Zen, music in my tympanum;

This is my moment of Zen, pain on my hematoma;

This is my moment of Zen, spring surround torso;

This is my moment of Zen, exhaust in my muscle;

This is my moment of Zen, nicotinein my brain;

This is my moment of Zen, winter in my retina;

This is my moment of Zen, bicycle on asphalt;


This is my moment of [Zen], taste a moment of nothing..

Vodka, what I love to drink ‘n watch..

arnell11Indeed, I love the retengular one only, but it is just a great piece by Peter Arnell !!! Check out his lovely production below ~ 


Ummm.. Pepsi, still the old question, when will it be pretty/sexy/emotional.. It’s new logo is not my cup of tea.. The packing is cool, thinking about if with the old logo may even better.. Pepsi Pepsi, when will you… … 

arnell3Ring always attract me.. I dun really like the engraving, but the shape is cool !! 











So, this is Peter Arnell, fater of three from San Francisco, he started his own brand Arnell since 1979, isn’t he cool ~



[Bulb man]


You are not talking, why should I understand;

You are not understanding, why should I talk..


You are not caring the cause, why should I care the outcome;

You are not sharing the stone, why should I share the gem..


y u n me?



I love downtempo music too ~

我 post 親都係 uptempo 既歌 (其實全部都係 house music..), 其實我都好 love downtempo 既歌.. 等我介紹丹麥既 Efterklang, 我係有一次係 White Noise Record 想搵 Radiohead 感覺時, 個 Sales(?) 幫我 pick 既 Tripper~ 佢地都有好我認為”北歐既風格”, 都係好 Grand, 好遼闊既感覺 (Sigur Ros 絕對係代表)… 但係 Efterklang 多左一份細緻, 同多 D Vocal (個人認為佢新碟 Parades vocal 太多) 

08 年十分有幸地係廣州睇左佢地既 Live (其實我係坐係第4行架, 只係 Waiwai 太過wide…), 感動得有如當日聽住 Melanie Pain 唱 Killing Moon 一樣 !!!


Anyway, 最正係下面個MV, 真真正正既 acoustic !!!


(Ovet Topic) 另一個我至愛既 Asocustic youtube.. Lykki Li  既  a Litte Bit, 真係好正, 好 simple, 好 acoustic ~~~!!!

Hea 到跳舞 ~

又係經 P生認識,  Tecktonik (TM) 都算係最近既經典,  一種”亂黎”既舞蹈..  但係其實我 ok 鍾意, mostly 可能係因為佢地一般會用 Electro House 做 background music.. 佢地”亂跳”時上身帶有 Poping, 下身又有 Waving 既 style ~ 最緊要係夠快同我覺得佢地真係亂黎, 唔使咩 technique~~ 係 Youtube 睇過有電視節目係 Sweden 街頭訪問個靚仔, 問佢知唔知咩叫 Tecktonik(TM), 佢就即刻跳左成分鐘… 係完全無音樂同係街…

* Tecktonik(TM) 為註冊商標

Official Tecktonik 既 MV, 音樂都非常出名, Mondoteka 既 Alive ~

超誠意之作 ~

Pop 化左既 Tecktonik, 由法國 Britney Spear 之稱既 Lorie 演出, 正 hee ~

好 Gay 既 Vogue Dance… 有傳係 Tecktonik 既其中一個 element….

That was a day in Beijing, i went JianWai SOHO to read..

JianWai SOHO (建外SOHO) was lead designed by Riken Yamamoto (山本理顯) under China SOHO incooperate. I’d been here in my 07 visiting with SOHOMing introducing, I was amazed with this commercial, residential, and public place well-mixed area, even thought I was being the pre-Olympic Peking.. Zendo is full of this place, the white buildings, the stand alone tree, the grassplot, the mound, the gravel… …

there was a time i want the moment of zen, I took a book, seated in front of the mound, enjoyed the shine, and killed a wonderful day~

