
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

Month: September, 2010

A Lip..


A lip, is making me crazy out of the chaos..

photo via Frank Barthold

The Future of Book..

“Meet Nelson, Coupland, and Alice — the faces of tomorrow’s book. Watch global design and innovation consultancy IDEO’s vision for the future of the book. What new experiences might be created by linking diverse discussions, what additional value could be created by connected readers to one another, and what innovative ways we might use to tell our favorite stories and build community around books? ”


I didnt eye on the functionalities of this concept, but what the readers needs and how do web3.0 do help after Amazon.com

MTV Exit 下的香港精神 – 轉自 little oslo..


MV來自MTV Exit 運動,宗旨是停止剝削及人口販賣,過往作品有用上 Radiohead 的《All I Need》及 The Killers 的《Goodnight, Travel Well》,今年則選上 Muse 零九專輯【The Resistance】的《MK Ultra》,主題仍是 “ Some Things Cost More Than You Realise ”,至於為什麼以香港為背景?想是要和應「亞洲國際都會」這大名吧,不過香港旅發局就真係要講句:多謝夾盛惠。


內容小奧已經講得好清楚, 我想說的有二, 1)段片 stop motion + 2 layers contrast 好恰, 而且 edit 都ok; 咁大景深, D 色又 sharp, 短片應該唔會用到 3CCD 機,  我估好大機會係用 DSRL 影; 2) 未睇 description 先睇片, 覺得首歌好熟, 睇返原來係新曲, 無可能聽過, 原來係 muse, 佢地既 music style 真係好 solid ~


忙到不得了, 是忙發白日夢, 除此之外, 什麼都沒勁去做..


工作,又開始以我的光陰作提煉. 如果我能撐過十個靜寂寒暑,我保證你會理解我的邏輯,這樣的完結,不代表什麼..


只有晚上的靜寂, 才能忘記無名的煩惱, 讓時間流去..

HDR movie..

HDR in motion, actually it should have been tried out before this. Anyway, the surreal visual is good for the movie scenes~

by sovietmontage production


在繁華盛世,有多少個靜寂寒暑被刻意遺忘; 在靜寂寒暑,有多少個繁華盛世被用作麻醉。

You say you had been the black hold, they say they are watching a bright star shine..


小病數天,剩餘的意志都花光了..  還好 harbour race 開鑼, 總算是有個寄託…

Illustration of World..

Background texturing and color tuning in process!!