
quietly we drift away, quietly we fade to grey – suede

NEOZOON’s street installation art about fur..

Quote from Good Magazine issue18, about NEOZOON‘s street installation art about fur.. (kick into their website, you will be surprised with their front page~)

Wooster: What do you think your piece adds to or subtracts from the community?

Neozoon: At best, it raises questions, like: “Where have all those animals gone in my environment” or “opps-was this piece of shrink wrapped supermarket meat really once alive and kicking? “We take discarded fur coats and reintroduce them to the environment by returning them to their former shape, making them “live,” to let people perceive [that] this used to be a living animal. Then it was just an animal skin, with a human inside, and now it has returned as an animal. Maybe it also adds something wild to our civilized urban surrounding.

Wooster: Why did you choose the subject matter you did?

Neozoon: Our concern is the animal and its environment. We question the relationship of people and animals in a Western urban surrounding. You could really describe it as schizophrenic. On one hand, we have tons of meat: thousands of animals slaughtered every hour outside the cities and sold in clean plastic with expiration dates, and preferably not to be recognized as such. And on the other hand we have pets: insanely bred toys and overloaded with emotion. It’s just interesting to see how we perceive animals and how they seem to differ in value, just depending on what fits us best.

While I’m looking a pork chop in market, it is a piece of meat or was a flesh from an animal?
While I’m eating a steak in restaurant, it is a New Zealand A grade or was a running cattle?
While I’m stroking my cat, what is the difference between she in my arm, and she in the meat factory?
While I’m sitting in front of reality, you are convincing me to embrace the “actuality” or stand with the fact?
While I’m looking at the pork chop again, I feel intractable conflicts..

Carbon chopsticks..

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